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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Has Covid Been A Silent Factor Of Divorce?

Have Divorces Been On The Rise Since Covid Started?

United States divorce rates have been increasing in the past few years. There are many factors that could contribute to this increase, such as financial instability or changes in social norms. However, there is a possibility that Covid might also be playing a role in the increase of divorces.

For one, the stress of the pandemic could be taking its toll on marriages. With people stuck in their homes, and so much worry and uncertainty in the air, it’s no wonder that some relationships may be starting to unravel.

Anecdotal Evidence For Covid Divorces

There is anecdotal evidence that suggests that Covid may be causing stress and tension within marriages. Hackensack, NJ Divorce Attorney, Rita Jerejian suggests that "Perhaps the biggest issue facing marriages in the face of covid-19 is the fear of the future and what covid-19 may bring." For example, some couples have a partner who lost a job and they are having difficulties making ends meet. Many couples have also been forced to spend a lot of time together in close quarters, which can lead to disagreements. In addition, so many people are now working remotely from home. 

This can lead to more tension in a marriage, as both partners are now struggling to balance work and home life with not much wiggle room for "me time". Let us not forget that there are also people who are unemployed or have lost their income because of Covid and they may be more likely to file for divorce as well.

No Concrete Evidence Yet

So far, there is no concrete evidence that Covid is responsible for the increase in divorces. However, the topic is worth exploring further. Divorce attorneys and therapists may keep a close eye on the role Covid plays in divorce rates since they are on the front lines of helping families navigate through the most difficult time. Researchers should study this issue in more depth. If it turns out that Covid is indeed causing more divorces, then steps need to be taken to address the problem.

Divorce Is Hard On Everyone Involved

Stephen Caplan, an Orlando divorce lawyer, believes that the increase in Florida divorces is due to a combination of factors. "The stress of Covid has definitely played a role in some marriages falling apart," he said. "But I also think that there may be other factors at work here, such as financial insecurity and the fact that so many people are now working from home."

Get Professional Help

Divorce is a difficult process for everyone involved, and it can be especially traumatic for children. And remember, if you are considering filing for divorce, please seek professional help. There are many resources available to help you through this difficult time. You don't have to go through it alone.

Thank you for reading! I hope this article provides some useful information. Please feel free to share it with your friends and family. 


Divorce Resources To Follow on an upcoming Blog, stay tuned.

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